Please upgrade your Browser.

We built Autodesk Drive using the latest technologies that help us offer a better experience. Unfortunately, we do not support this browser.

Please download one of these free and up-to-date browsers:

Please check with your system administrator to update your browser if you cannot install updates yourself.

Store, view, and share your design files.

Autodesk Drive collects your design data together in the cloud.

Store, view, and share your design files.
Any 2D/3D file.

Any 2D/3D file.

Autodesk Drive supports most 2D and 3D files - including DWG, RVT, DWF, PDF, JPG, and Office files.

Collaborate on designs.

Easily collect your design files in one place, in the cloud. Then share with anyone.

Collaborate on designs.
View on any device.

View on any device.

Access your design files from anywhere, on any device. You can sync your files to your PC with Desktop Connector.

Let’s get started.

Autodesk Drive is free to use when you subscribe to one existing Autodesk product.